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Bilton C of E

Junior School

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Curriculum Intent


It is our intent that children will leave our schools resilient, emotionally literate, aspirational, effective communicators who are happy and therefore ready for the next stage of their life through the behaviour, knowledge and skills they have learnt whilst in our care. If we can achieve this for our children then we believe we are giving them the best opportunity to achieve success in their life. Through an inclusive and stimulating environment we will develop every child and allow them to write their own story in life.


This intent is defined as our REACH principles.


Resilient: Every child is resilient.

Emotionally Literate: Every child is aware of their feelings and those of others.

Aspirational: Every child aspires for more in their learning and in life.

Communicators: Every child is an effective communicator.

Happy: Every child has the right to be happy.


Bilton Community Federation Our vision is to empower children to make a positive impact on the world and to apply the following values in all they do: Care, Co -operation, Honesty, Forgiveness, Respect and Resilience.



At BJS we deliver a curriculum that is rich, broad and balanced and challenges our children, as well as inspiring a lifelong love of learning, using a range of carefully selected schemes along with our own resources. We teach subjects discreetly, developing the acquisition of knowledge and skills through a well-planned and sequenced approach that ensures progression and builds on prior learning.

BJS is a place where everyone is valued and cared for and we are ambitious for all our children to achieve their potential and seek to overcome any barriers to learning.

‘Pupils’ eyes light up when they talk about the topics that they cover in the curriculum.’ OFSTED February 2018



For further information about the curriculum please contact you child's class teacher via the office

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Year 5 Curriculum Overview
