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Bilton C of E

Junior School

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Welcome to

Bilton C of EJunior School

Welcome Text

Welcome to the Bilton C of E junior School Website

At BJS we develop our children to be successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens of their community and the wider world. Our Christian values of: Respect, Kindness, Forgiveness, Honesty, Friendship, and Perseverance underpin everything we do.

We deliver a curriculum that is broad and balanced and challenges our children, as well as inspiring a lifelong love of learning, using a range of carefully selected schemes along with our own resources.

BJS is a place where everyone is valued and cared for and we are ambitious for all our children to achieve their potential and seek to overcome any barriers to learning.

Our aim through all we do is to be ‘lights to the world’ Matthew 5:14


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