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Parental Support



NHS 111 online. Get help for your symptoms. If you think you need medical help right now, 111 online can tell you what to do next.

People of all ages living in Coventry and Warwickshire can now access urgent mental health support directly via NHS 111, 24/7, 365 days a year. 
Anyone experiencing a mental health crisis can dial the NHS urgent medical advice number (111), and choose the ‘mental health option’ to be put through to a specially trained member of Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust’s local crisis service. 

The Education Hub

We have put together some useful links and sources of mental health support so that children and young people, parents, carers, and school and college staff can get the advice and help they need.

Coventry and Warwickshire Mind

Developing and delivering quality services with, and for, people with mental health problems for over fifty years. Coventry and Warwickshire Mind is affiliated to the national Mind network made up of over 120 organisations across England and Wales. Each local Mind is unique, working hard to understand the needs of their community and tailoring their services to match. 

We want to make sure that everyone with a mental health problem gets the support they need and the respect they deserve. 

The CCASS service is for children and young people (up until their 19th birthday) who are on the neurodevelopmental waiting list for an autism diagnosis, or who have previously received a diagnosis but require support. 

The service can offer low level support, focussing on understanding, communication, sensory integration, processing, behaviour, self-esteem, and daily routines and activitie

The Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing is a free online tool providing self-care information to support adults, children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire. You can rate yourself or another person against a number of dimensions related to health and wellbeing. The Dimensions tool is available 24/7 and creates a Dimensions report which provides information about self-care, local services and support.

Keep Them Safe: Protecting Children from Child Sexual Exploitation free course

78% of parents can’t identify all the key signs of child sexual exploitation. Source: YouGov 2013

Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity that provides counselling and mental health support and training in UK schools. Our tried and tested model is backed by research.

We believe that children should not have to face mental health problems alone.

Parenting Smart : Parenting advice from our child mental health experts and practical tips to support children's wellbeing and behviour

Warwickshire County Council Family Information Service (FIS)

FIS provide information and advice and one-to-one support for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25 across Warwickshire. 

Family Information Service – ‘Out of Hours Service’ Citizens Advice in Warwickshire are now operating an out of hours phone service on Monday evenings from 5-7pm. This is to enable access to our service for people who are unable to contact us during the day. The freephone number is 0800 995 6047  


Phone 01926 742274


Connect for Health is the school nursing service for Warwickshire. We support school-age children and young people (aged 5-19, or up to 25 for those with SEND) and their parents/carers with a wide range of health & wellbeing topics. See Parent Leaflets section for more information on this service.

Are you a parent or carer who is concerned about the mental health of your child or teenager? Do you just want some hints and tips on parenting? MindEd for Families has advice and information from trusted experts and will help you to understand what problems occur, what you can do to best support your family, and how to take care of yourself. MindEd for Families is written by a team of specialists and parents, working together. You do not need to register to use these resources.

If you need to talk, we're here to listen. Call us on 0808 800 2222.

Find advice on all aspects of family life from bonding with your new baby, dealing with tantrums, positive discipline, bullying, communicating with teens and divorce and separation. You can also call our confidential helpline on 0808 800 2222 or email us for support at

Carer SupportHelping you to manage your wellbeing if you provide care for someone. If you provide help for someone, such as family, friends or neighbours, who couldn’t cope without you it is important to look after your own health and wellbeing. Please find the information in Parental Leaflets.

Parenting Project Counselling Referral Form

Parenting Project Counselling Service

Our referrals are open for face to face and telephone/online counselling. Please note that face to face counselling is available in limited areas, days and times only, the options available to you will be discussed in assessment. Initial assessment appointments will be held via telephone.


Rise is a family of NHS-led services providing emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire.

Rise aims to build resilience and empower children and young people (as well as the adults in their lives) to know where to go for help and advice.

Rise is made up of a number of different services, each led by mental health specialists, who work with other local services such as schools to support you.  

Every seven seconds, we respond to a call for help. No judgement. No pressure. We're here for anyone who needs someone.
Support for young people or adults who feel vulnerable walking home Feel unsafe or uncomfortable walking home alone at night? Too late to call anyone you know or they’re not picking up? Call Strut Safe and they’ll stay on the phone with you until you are safe in your home. If necessary, they will also contact the emergency services. Friday and Saturday nights between 7pm and 3am and Sunday nights 7pm until 1am. Call 0333 335 0026 FREE to call   

Mental health support in pregnancy and following the birth of your baby for Coventry and Warwickshire residents

Help for Households

The Government has started a Help for Households campaign which offers support and advice on cost of living payments, household costs, childcare costs, income support, help finding work and energy saving advice. 
The campaign also provides information on businesses who are offering discounts to help with the cost of living.

Cost of Living

Warwickshire services are working together to help people find the information they need to manage increased household costs.
This is a difficult time for many people and finding direct support can be hard. National and local links to services are listed on the website as well as information on related topics.

Freephone, 24-hour Helpline

0808 2000 247

Violet Project

Raising Awareness of Suicide and Self-harm

We won't shrink away from Suicide or Self -harm

We advocate for change.

We are that change.



Support and advice for families in Warwickshire

The National Sleep Helpline

What is the National Sleep Helpline?

In partnership with Furniture Village, The Sleep Charity has launched a brand new UK National Sleep Helpline to ensure that everyone has access to high quality, evidence-based advice regardless of age, ethnicity, background or income.
