No Outsiders
As a school we have adopted the 'No Outsiders' ethos in all aspects of life; with our children, in communication with parents and in our wider Bilton Junior School community. We are hopeful that this ethos has already begun to be integrated with our own values. By embracing these principles, our school is a safer place for all, where no child or member of our community are treated as an outsider.
Bilton Junior School is a place of belonging and inclusion.
What is 'No Outsiders'?
The No Outsider's vision is for inclusive education, promoting community cohesion to prepare young people and adults for life as global citizens.
Here is a short video explaining more from the No Outsiders founder, Andrew Moffat.
As a school, we are incorporating No Outsiders lessons and book suggestions into our own PSHE lessons once every half term. The intentions of this are to allow the children in our school to access this ethos alongside their personal, social and emotional developments. This will allow them to understand themselves, their community and the wider world on a much broader scale and prepare them for later life.
Here is an example of one of the books we use in school; And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell
Helpful Websites
No Outsiders Website (
Equality Act 2010 (
Ofsted Guidance 2019 (