Welcome to Year 5
Year 5 is an exciting and fun year which provides limitless opportunities for children to grow academically, socially and emotionally. Children have the opportunity to attend an outward bound centre, as well as take part in a large range of smaller experiences and trips to enrich their learning as well as talks from experts and visitors to the school including an exciting Virutal Reality tour in Space. These are but a few of our inspiring topic events which we use in a cross curricular context to aid and extend children’s use of reading, writing and maths.
Topics currently covered in Year 5 are World War II, Division and Unity, South America and sustainability.
The year 5 team are a creative and eager bunch and are always looking for ways to make learning as memorable and fun as possible. If you feel you are able to contribute to this in any way please feel free to contact us.
Year 5 Team