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Bilton C of E

Junior School

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At Bilton C of E Junior School, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils, staff and families and believe in a whole school approach to achieve this. Research consistently shows that people suffering from mental health issues is on the increase and we recognise that everyone's life experiences vary and sometimes the challenges encountered can make people vulnerable. We understand that taking proactive steps to get additional emotional support is invaluable.


We aim to ensure that pupils, staff and families are able to access support or guidance whenever they need it. If you wish to talk to someone in person our Home School Support Worker – Mrs Smith is available.

Our Peer Wellbeing Champions are available to support their peers.

We also have staff trained as Mental Health First Aiders.



    To signpost further support, we've outlined some of the most useful online resources.

    Top Tips

    Meet the Mood Bears

    Angry bear.mp3

    Sad bear.mp3

    Love bear.mp3

    Nervous bear.mp3

    Happy bear.mp3

    Silly Bear.mp3

    Calm bear.mp3

    Hope bear.mp3
