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Haven Wraparound care changes

31st March 2023


Dear Parents/Carers


We hope this has been a positive term for you all.

We would like to share some exciting news about changes to the Haven: 

A company who are very well known to our school will be taking over the running of the Haven facility from 17th April 2023.

The staff who work for that organisation are familiar with our school, our staff and children as they already support our PE provision in school and work across most of our year groups on a weekly basis.

A number of BJS staff who currently work with our Haven group are also going to continue so this will help positively support the Epic staff in settling in.


The hours of opening/closing at Haven will remain the same and the costing will not be impacted due to this change.


Booking will be slightly different and Mr Jones (Head of Epic) has requested email addresses for parents/carers of Haven users so he can contact you with more information. Please let us know if you are happy for us to pass on your email addresses by emailing or or by telephone 01788 810675


Unfortunately at this stage Epic are unable to accept childcare vouchers, however this is something they will be looking into. I appreciate this is not ideal for a number of parents. I believe any refunds owed for childcare vouchers must be requested via your childcare voucher provider. 


We ask that all outstanding payments be made to us as soon as possible for any sessions owing up to today, 31/03/23. Any cash/pay 360 refunds for advanced payments will be processed in due course.


The Haven email is still active for any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.  


Mr Jones has a wonderful set up and has many exciting activities planned for the children after Easter should your child continue with the wraparound care.


Amanda Clarke

School Business Manager



